Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Garden goodness continues

These are plums from my father in law's plum tree. With my Mom's help, I made big jars of tasty, sweet plum preserves. Its great on toast and as a marinade over pork tenderloin...yum!

With only 2 zucchini plants, we still ended up with over 20 HUGE zucchini....eating them sauteed, grilled, and raw in salads got pretty old, so I made double batches of zucchini muffins and froze them to snack on this winter.

Leftover shredded zucchini....Oscar the dog dined on it for dinner....and begged for more!

Tomatoes & cucumbers galore. I made tomato sauce, canned up for the winter too.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Claudine Hellmuth & beeswax collage

I had an unbelievable weekend taking a beeswax collage class from artist, Claudine Hellmuth. That's me with friends Karen & Catherine, new friend, Danene, Karen's dog Rosie, and Claudine.

One of the canvases I made & actually completed...I have 5-6 others that are at least halfway done. Already gave this away as a birthday gift to someone & she loved it!

Karen's Bingo canvas.....LOVE the white dots!

Catherine's 1st her blue/white background with etched circles in the wax.

The starter project......Halloween houses with glowing windows....all the students put their houses together to create a spooky village :-)

latest fish!

an unexpected call today from Patrick.....another Bluefin Tuna landed! What a season for happy all of his hard work is paying off for him.