Friday, January 16, 2009

my Crafty friends

I wanted to show off a couple of recent gifts from my Crafty friends. Pamela made the adorable snowflake tin in the top photo. It was filled with chocolate mints....but those disappeared quickly (hey, it was the week before I started WW!) She gave them to all of us as snacks during our recent road trip. Honestly, how sweet & thoughtful is that?! Molly made some YUMMY choc. covered pretzels too, but I didn't get a picture (what?! a scrapbooker without her camera..yes, I felt quite naked that day).
Catherine made the butterfly pails as favors for us when we had our group gathering at her house (hmm, I think I need to come up with something when the group comes here next month). Guess what she made them from? Peat pots! Yes, they were also filled with chocolate (listen, that was more than a month ago..they would have melted if I'd left them in there :-)

Feb ATC swap

My Crafty Friends Group (as I lovingly call them) has an ATC card swap tonight & my cards are above. ATC's (small works of art that you trade with other artists) are really hard for me, as I am used to working on a BIG 12x12 canvas....but I am getting more comfortable. I liked these so much that I am doing a 8x11 canvas like the ATC's to hang in scraproom.

Why did I put the text "believe" on the cards......I've picked "Believe" as my word of the year. To find out more about this whole concept, check out Ali Edwards blog here: I love the concept. I chose Believe to believe in myself, believe that our family will grow, believe in my business, believe in the power of goes on and on. Kind of like a New Years resolution but not so guilt-ridden if you break :-)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

catch up time...

i need to do a quick catch-up post so I can move on to all the fun, new stuff.....
*yes, that is the picture from our Christmas card...our dogs, Murphy & Oscar. Its a good thing we love them so as Oscar has cost us $250+ lately at the vet with double ear infections. Poor little bugger.
*Christmas was fun, crazy, and hectic as usual. Being the daughter of divorced parents, we end up having abou 3-4 Christmas events. Don't get me wrong, I love being with family but it gets exhausting.
*shopping road trip with my group of crafty gals....lots of fun to hang out with all of them. We're getting together tonight for potluck dinner & crafty fun.
*still working on new website for online store. This has been a HUGE lesson in computer workings and such. Its getting there, but I don't want the site advertised until it is PERFECT :-) I've been working on new kits and have 4 shows lined up to sell my goodies.
*we're moving forward in the baby department. Appointment with yet another new doctor in Boston last week that was very optimistic. We're waiting to here back on some lab work before we schedule more. The last IVF attempt put me in a funk, so I'm trying to be more guarded this time. BUT, it is a new year full of hope.
*Patrick & I are going to the Keys for vacation in Feb. So excited for some warm weather, offshore fishing & celebrating Patrick's birthday.
*I am officially now a knitter! I have always wanted to knit scarves and blankets, etc but could never get the hang of it. My very patient stepmother, Bonnie, is a knitting expert & helped me through it. I've knit a doll blanket and a scarf so far.....working on a new scarf now & have yarn to make a hat & mittens to match. Of course, this brings a whole new shopping obsession....yarn stores now make me as happy as scrapbook/fabric stores.
*and, I am doing Weight Watchers with my sister-in-law. We started last week. I won't lie, there have been some struggles already....just goes to show me that I don't always snack when I'n actually hungry. After 1st week, I'm down 2.5 lbs...yeah!

that's it for the big catch-up....have a great day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

holy cow! where has the time gone?!

I cannot believe I've neglected this poor blog for an entire month (please don't ask about the business blog...its even worse!). I completely devoted myself to Christmas and all its happenings this year, as I am now working from home and have much more flexibility with my time. I have to say I loved being able to fit in cookies, decorating, handmade gifts & cards, etc without having to worry about being at the store 24/7. A big relief for me & I am truly grateful.
I'll have to think about a recap post for later today....round it all up into 1 BIG post :-)