Tuesday, February 23, 2010

serious scrapping skills at an early age...

I've been helping my Mom do some serious cleaning out at her house, as she will soon be selling her house & finding new digs closer to us. We found a box of artwork and school papers that my brother and I had done in elementary school, including cards we'd given to my Mom & Dad. I un-earthed these cards that I'd made for my brother & Dad for Valentin'es Day one year.
Showing off some serious cropping skills, I placed my brother's head on basketball players pictures I'd cut from Sports illustrated. Notice the superb placement....
This is mt Dad's card....I laugh each time I see it.
A few other cards I'd made for Valentine's/birthday (yep, my Dad is a Valentine's baby). I packed them up and sent them down to him in Florida..he got quite the laugh.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi zoesimm!

The top bidder for the scrappy tree skirt you bid on is not able to follow through. Are you still interested?

